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World Quran Hour: Al Quran, Quran Karim,Quran Majeed,Koran,Quran

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开发 Kartina Abdul Ghani

FREE World Quran Hour is recognized by millions of Islam followers through the Muslim world as the most easiest Quran to read and be guided to read quran in any way you prefers.

This FREE World Quran Hour was developed in conjunction with the World #QuranHour driven by the community worldwide in 9th Zulhijjah from 9 am to 10 am every year. World #QuranHour campaign goal is to encourage the whole community to interact for about 1 hour with the Al-Quran.

This application is a tool for users who intend to Khatam Al-Quran at the same time along the ummah worldwide on 9th of each year.
In this application the user is given three options, namely: -

Option 1: Reading Al-Quran Juz 30 month (Recite in 1 months)
This option is specifically developed in conjunction with the World #QuranHour. With this option, users are invited to join together to Khatam the Al-Quran on the 9th Zulhijjah of each year at 9am according to the time in their respective countries.

Option 2: Reading Al-Quran Daily
With the use of this option, the user can read the Quran in comfort every day either read the daily pages in the Quran, reading via the Surahs in the Quran or via reading the Juzuks in the Quran.

Option 3: Reading Al-Quran
In addition to the three options of reading the Quran, users can also watch bonus video related to Hajj and Umrah and Al-Quran.

The highlight of the campaign is World #QuranHour Khatam Al-Quran worldwide on 9th Zulhijjah at 9 am by the time of their respective countries. In the "Khatam Al-Quran," there are surah’s, zikirs, and doas that is read during the Khatam Al-Quran.

Multilingual quran app for Apple in English, Malay and Arabs. This FREE World Quran Hour is available to all.

FREE World Quran Hour is designed to assists you to read the Quran in an Apple device.

FREE World Quran Hour features includes:
* Full Quran audio with 114 surah with supporting Audio and PDF reader with this FREE World Quran Hour.
* Facebook and Email sharing function in order to share the Qurans beautiful words to your friends and family.
* This #worldquranhour should be a quran companion to all muslims.

Download FREE World Quran Hour NOW!!!


Aplikasi ini dibangunkan sempena World #QuranHour yang digerakkan oleh ummah di seluruh dunia pada 9 Zulhijjah pukul 9 pagi hingga 10 pagi setiap tahun. Tujuan kempen World #QuranHour ini adalah untuk menggalakkan seluruh ummah berinteraksi selama 1 jam bersama Al-Quran.

Aplikasi ini adalah sebagai alat bantu untuk pengguna yang berhasrat untuk khatam Al-Quran serentak bersama-sama ummah di seluruh dunia pada 9 Zulhijjah.

3 pilihan iaitu:-
Pilihan 1: Bacaan Al-Quran Sebulan 30 Juzuk (Recite 1 months)
Pilihan ini dibangunkan khusus bersempena dengan kempen World #QuranHour. Dengan pilihan ini, pengguna diajak untuk bersama-sama untuk khatam Al-Quran pada 9 Zulhijjah setiap tahun pada jam 9 pagi mengikut waktu di negara masing-masing. Untuk memudahkan pengguna mencapai tujuan ini, bacaan mukasurat Al-Quran telah dibahagikan mengikut waktu solat bermula 9 Zulkaedah hingga 8 Zulhijjah untuk melengkapkan bacaan 30 Juzuk.

Pilihan 2: Bacaan Al-Quran Harian
Dengan pilihan ini penggunakan boleh membaca Al-Quran mengikut kesesuain waktu seharian masing-masing samada mengikut halaman Al-Quran, Surah atau Juzuk.

Pilihan 3: Membaca tafsir Al-Quran
Selain daripada 3 pilihan bacaan Al-Quran pengguna juga boleh menonton video bonus berkaitan dengan ibadah Haji & Umrah serta Al-Quran.

Kemuncak daripada kempen World #QuranHour adalah khatam Al-Quran sedunia pada 9 Zulhijjah jam 9 pagi mengikut waktu negara masing-masing.